Copyright & Fair Use

Copyright & Fair Use

Attha Academy gives notice that all works and associated intellectual property on our website is proprietary to Attha Academy unless otherwise stated or inferred via any Reference Links. All rights conferred by the law of Copyright and by virtue of International Copyright conventions are reserved to Attha Academy. No part of our web content may be reproduced, resold, leased, copied, or passed to any other 3rd party in whole or in part by any means whatsoever without prior express permission in writing from Attha Academy.

Attha Academy Fair Use Statement

Fair use: Using copyright material for research or study
Attha Academy applies fair use principles to its use of 3rd party information; and is guided by various provisions associated with Copyright under the International Berne Convention Switzerland for Literary and Artistic works.

Attha Academy primarily operates under three guiding principles related to fair use of copyright material in the reproduction of text, image, audio, and visual content, they are:

  1. Unless otherwise approved, Attha Academy would only utilize up to ~10% of the number of pages of content; or one chapter of content, if the work is divided into chapters.
  2. The Copyright convention deems that it is fair to reproduce an article from a newspaper, magazine or journal issued into the public domain by various means; thus, Attha Academy may as a need arises, present such material on its web site but will try to identify and name the source (if correctly known) to attribute ownership and recognition of such material to the rightful owners.
  3. Attha Academy takes the view that any material that it openly receives via the internet and email that is not solicited by Attha Academy and does not indicate copyright may be reproduced in kind and re issued back into the public domain by Attha Academy (under fair use principles).

Attha Academy Permission to Copy its Material

Attha Academy is open to requests from other 3rd parties to reproduce certain non-commercial content (excluding Resellers); however, this would be subject to Attha Academy giving its permission to an applying 3rd party to use its material on a case by case basis and only in writing. All inquiries in this regard should be addressed to:



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